11. Authorities (eg Police, Regulators, GCHQ)

The below are a sample of the main 850 organisations worldwide that help others to Identify, Protect from, Detect, Respond and Recover from cyber-related activities.  The City of London has at least 31 organisations fighting cyber threats.

Click each image to read more.  We help our Members to navigate the various authorities that support organisations in different ways.  Other types of "supplier" that can help protect you from cyber threats include Insurance, Legal, PR are many others described here.

CESG (originally the Communications Electronic Security Group) National Technical Authority for Information Assurance - GCHQ - UK
ENISA European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
FBI IC3 Federal Bureau of Investigation - Internet Crime Complaint Center - USA
Global Cyber Alliance BBC television news report - click image to view in UK - Friday 20th May 2016
(GCA item starts at 3 minutes 20 seconds into the iPlayer News video.)
GCA Global Cyber Alliance - Worldwide
GovCertUK Computer Emergency Response Team for public sector organisations - UK
National Crime Agency NCCU - National Cyber Crime Unit - UK
ICO Information Commissioners Office (all data controllers must register) UK
US-CERT Computer Emergency Readiness Team - USA