Protect data before attacks

#1 of 15 Supplier Categories

The first category of suppliers that most organisations look at, to reduce the risk of a cyber attack, are organisations that protect your data.  

Your IT Director will know these organisations, and many more.  Make sure the two of you discuss advice like this:  "JP Morgan spent $250m on cyber security and still got hacked”).  To be resilient to such attacks, consider the non-IT categories of supplier you will need to know about.

Click each image to learn how technology can help protect your data. This sample of reputable suppliers is intended to highlight that there are many ways to do this, from encrypting to erasing, and from authenticating users to auditing your defences.

Access Auditor Security Compliance Corporation
Encrypt Data at rest and in motion Gemalto
Firewall and Unified Threat Management Sophos
Multi-Factor Authentication SMS Passcode
Penetration Testing 2sec
Security Assessment Software Panaseer
Erase data you don't need - Software Kroll Ontrack
Erase data you don't need - Hardware Joyce Solutions