Archive:  Launch of International Advisors in 2016

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14th April 2016 - London

Business executives unite, to reduce harm caused by successful hacks

Cyber Rescue announces first International Advisors

On 21st April 2016, a new alliance of business executives and commercial experts will gather from across Europe. These fourteen “International Advisors” will help Cyber Rescue to reduce the commercial harm suffered when organisations fail to block major cyber attacks.

The fourteen Advisors have been selected from across Europe. They include CEOs, IT Directors, Legal and Commercial Directors.  Together, the Advisors offer deep experience in how businesses can avoid the operational mistakes that exacerbate harm suffered during a major data breach.  

This gathering is timely, as the number of sophisticated “zero day” cyber attacks is rising at 125% a year, according to a report published by Symantec on 11th April.  Cyber attacks are already the most feared threat to business continuity worldwide, above terrorism and earthquake, according to a recent report by the BCI.  The volume of cyber attacks is much larger than reported, as shown by last month’s IoD report that 72% of Directors don’t report cyber attacks even to the police. 

The first three of the fourteen International Advisors joining the Cyber Rescue Alliance are:

  • Mr JF Cecillon is a hugely experienced business leader, having been CEO of EMI International, CEO of Sega Europe, and Global CEO of Eaglemoss Publishing, among others. He has been working internationally from London since 1990.  Mr Cecillon said “the music, games and publishing sectors experienced early forms of cyber attack, from ‘pirates’ and other hackers.  As an adviser to Cyber Rescue, I can help businesses to recognize and adapt to such challenges.”

  • Mr Duncan Gallagher is a world-leading expert in crisis communications. Mr Gallagher provides counsel to the C-Suite of numerous organisations.  He has helped several Boards to protect their brand from harm during major data breaches.  Mr Gallagher said “cyber attacks are a global board issue. Preparedness and a strategic response are the only way for organisations to protect their reputation. As an adviser to Cyber Rescue I want ensure Boards are fully prepared.”

  • Mr David Ratcliffe was the International Standards Organisation’s (ISO) worldwide IT Director, and previously IT Director at the USD $1 trillion fund manager Capital Group.  He is a Fellow of both the Chartered Institute for IT and the BCS. Mr Ratcliffe said “most companies won’t suffer a major cyber attack this year, just as most offices won’t suffer a serious fire.  But it is prudent to run ‘fire drills’ and think about how you’ll reduce harm from any attack that does get through.”

Commenting on these appointments, Mr Kevin Duffey, Managing Director of Cyber Rescue said “I am delighted such distinguished executives are joining as International Advisors to Cyber Rescue.  They will help us to help companies rehearse and respond to both the commercial and operational challenges that can overwhelm organisations during cyber attacks.”


About Cyber Rescue

Cyber Rescue helps companies reduce the harm suffered during successful cyber attacks.

We recognize that no organisation can block all cyber attacks. We are passionate in our desire to help companies stop such a cyber crisis turning into a commercial catastrophe.

We support all the business functions that can be paralysed or overwhelmed during a major cyber attack, including PR, HR, Legal, Financial, Operational and of course IT.

Our assistance to organisations that includes the following three products:

  • Cyber Crisis Coach, to provide commercial guidance during a suspected attack
  • Cyber Crisis Simulation, to train and rehearse department heads on how to respond
  • Cyber Crisis Playbook, to document how organisations should avoid mistakes.

Headquartered in London, Cyber Rescue has Advisors based in seven European countries.  We focus on Europe because the newly agreed EU “General Data Protection Regulation” will transform the legal requirements and customer expectations for organisations that are breached.

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Organisations should join Cyber Rescue as Members to reduce the commercial harm they will suffer when a major cyber attack or data breach hits them.

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